You're are reminded of this whenever
- People regularly second guessing you
- When others automatically assume to work at the store you're shopping at
- The subtle flinch or head jerk that happens when you enter a space as the only black person there
- Unshakable feeling of tokenism and being asked to speak at Diversity and Inclusion discussions at your job
- The Fake smiling and laughing you reflectively do to soothe others while sitting in meetings with self-proclaimed --white-- "allies" who took a diversity pledge
- Shadow of Colorism and Hair Politics that’s there lurking when you're rejected professionally or romantically for someone who looks closer to white
- The bitterness, resentment, weariness and exhaustion that comes from spending years in these places
My online coaching is designed first and foremost for you.
I specialize in is using tools that guide you back to your body through building awareness of internal sensations. I love focusing on parts of life that are so often overlooked in larger (aka white) society and healing professionals who "don't see color."
This includes making space for the completely justified anger and righteous indignation that we carry in our bones without being pigeon holed as "angry black women."
Exploring of what vulnerability and healing looks like in black bodies (starting with your own).
Reconnecting to your inherent source of vitality and strength.
- Receive personalized somatic tools that allow you to get clarity and insight fast
- Integrate and align the biggest blockages you have to accessing more vitality and joy
- Convert anger into insights that guide you to your greatest fulfillment
Includes Initiate packages and additional...
- Leverage your rage as your greatest teacher, strategist and motivation
- Discover ways to have the most empowering relationship with your anger ever
- Thousand year old tools to alchemize rage into concentrated, unshakable power in your body
Includes Inspire packages and additional ways to...
- Radical and effective ways to fundamentally transmute the way you engage with your deepest anger, grief and hurt
- Unearth the secret to show up the way you always dreamed in your life and control the power dynamics in any situation
- Learn and use the art of verbal self-defense as black woman